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Top Five — January 31st, 2020

Rob Gordon is a very unpleasant character. However, he is the type of Type-A sycophant who indelibly leaves a mark. For some, it is in musical stylings or newly formed crushes on Lisa Bonet.

For myself, Gordon’s impression created a lingering attachment to life in list format. All-time best meals, pop songs to dance to (alternatively, to cry to), metro systems, etc. The list is endless and most importantly, fun.

So, in this our new year, I am committing to a weekly list. Yes, it’s the last day of January. No, I don’t know where the rest of the month went or why I didn’t write anything earlier. Yes, this list is aimless and without rules — it’s anarchy contained by <li> tags! But the singular quantifier for this list is that it has to reflect the week. Not in any kind of chronological order, but to consider these a small portrait of the last couple days.

Top Five for 1/31/2020

  1. 'I Moved Off-Grid With an Emotionally Stunted Older Man!’ — Ask Polly
    It is embarrassing to be human — despite your best efforts, you will find yourself incapable, longing, messy, selfish, and perhaps even pathetic. This is a reminder that your human state is acceptable, in all its discomfiting glory.

  2. Furikake Chex Mix
    I plan to make and then devour this for that Big Sports Sunday.

  3. ‘Paradise’ — Hot Chip
    ”You’re washed up / and you hate it. You’ve lied / you’re berated. You’re despised, contaminated.” See no. 1 and double back for synth-effects.

  4. ‘The Pitfalls and Potential of New Minimalism’ — The New Yorker
    New minimalism is both a mindset and a trapping of capitalist maximalism, with pine end tables and white waffled bedspreads. A worthy read that digs into the facets of a simplified lifestyle set in the confines of consumer culture — what is authentic and what is aesthetic?

  5. Physical’ — Dua Lipa
    Dance your way into the weekend.

See y’all next week.